Sunday, December 11. 2005
Radovan, filmele lui de groaza. Daca vreau sange, ma duc la Radovan si il rog sa imi dea un film. Mindhuntes este un film foarte tare! La limita inferioara a unui film de groaza, dar totusi un film care baga groaza in tine. Foarte tare! As putea spune ca nu asa de tare ca Edison (2005) pe care l-am vazut vineri in fabrica asteptand "o schimbare".
Sa zicem ca la o masa se afla 6 pistoale care iau ceaiul. Se stie ca toti or sa moara din acea camera, deja cativa au murit.
Tot la un ceai, o tipa ma intreaba cu cate am inselat-o. Nu stiu daca o inselasem sau nu, dar m-a distrat la culme ideea de "cu cate". Numai la rapoarte am OK daca serverul are idle la procesor mai mult de 30 la suta si KO daca e mai putzin.
E simplu, "m-ai inselat", "am murit". Matematica, binar, tot restul tine de FIZICA si CHIMIE. ALT DOMENIU in pana mea.
In Mindhunters filmul urmeaza ideea ca "fiecare pe felia (limba) lui moare", mortile nu sunt aleatoare, cine cade in capcana.. hai noroc la congelator. Nu, mortile si le faceau fiecare cu mana lui. Adica .. conducatorul grupului moare pentru ca era primul. Tipul care era "tehnic" moare pentru ca incerca sa repare ceva, etc.
Si .. nu conteaza sincer cum si ce. M-ai inselat sau am murit sunt la fel. Din punctul meu de vedere nu e nevoie de detalii.
21 grame .. FOARTE PROST PUSE acele intrebari de la sfarsitul filmului, sunt cantitative nu calitative se puteau face mult mai bune si mult mai socante.
tot in 21 grame ..
"ea: - I thought you will change after the transplant!
el: - I thought you will change if I did!
el: - None of us changed
Tuesday, November 29. 2005
(into pay phone)
Why did you do that to her? She never
did you any harm.
How would you know? Everybody does
harm to somebody. And then they try
their best to forget it.
Maybe me -- but not her. Whatever
I've done, there's no reason to take
it out on her.
Suppose that's the only way I can
get to you? You claim you love her.
Yeah, I do.
You don't even love yourself.
But Kelly... I would never hurt.
Still you have to uphold your status
as an honorary asshole.
Listen, I've treated all my women
decent. I never laid a hand on any
of them, even when provoked. And I
always let them down easy.
I'm not ready to let Kelly go. Maybe
I never will be.
What if she dumps you first? What's
the odds she's already taken up with
somebody? One day soon you'll come
home and find her gone along with
the CD player and the VCR.
I'm not gonna let you mind-fuck me
all day! That's it. This call is
Not until I say it is.
What happens if I hang up?
You don't really want to find out.
I'm dying to hear this!!! What the
fuck can you do about it -- up in
your fucking high window with your
goddam binoculars?
I never indicated I had binoculars.
I said I had a highly magnified
telescopic image of you that brought
you up so close I could see where
you nicked yourself under the chin
shaving this morning.
Oh -- while you're at it, have a
look up my ass.
I may very well do that, Stu. In the
meantime, think about what kind of
device has a telescopic sight mounted
on it.
What? You mean... like a rifle?
A high-powered .30 calibre bolt action
Remington 700 with a carbon one
modification and a state of the art
Henzholdt tactical sniperscope. And
you're in the cross hairs, Stu.
I'm supposed to believe that?
There's only one way I can prove it
to you. Hang up the receiver and
find out. At this range, the exit
wound ought to be about the size of
a small tangerine.
And you're just going to kill me for
no reason?
For plenty of reasons! Because you
hung up. For years I hated people
hanging up on me. Ex-girlfriends.
Women I didn't even know. Prospective
I get hung up on all the time. You
get used to it.
Or else you don't. I worked for months
getting people to switch to MCI --
being insulted at and being hung up
on hundreds of times a day. The ones
that cursed me out for invading their
privacy never bothered me as much as
those that clicked off without even
bothering to reply.
Then why didn't you go after one of
Maybe you are one of them.
Hey, I have worked in a boiler room
myself peddling "Term Life." I would
never be rude to a fellow salesperson.
Can you feel it on you now? The heat
of it. I'm moving the strike zone
down to your stomach area. Now I'm
raising it up again. Directly above
the chest cavity -- sliding up to
the forehead just above the left
Shit -- I do feel it.
Monday, November 28. 2005
Let's smoke this bitch.
I'm in here, Cesar.
Don't you move, Garfield.
Don't you make a move.
You killed my homeboy Benny.
And you cut off my finger.
Now let me hear you say that.
Yeah, I did it.
I told you, man!
Fucking A!
Let me do him.
This nigga's mine.
You ever seen Deer Hunter?
Put it to your head...
...pull the trigger.
You gonna do yourself.
That macho enough for you?
That make me a man?
Take more than that to be me.
Then you do it.
Come on, maricĂ´n.
Do it!
Vato's scared.
He's trying to weasel out.
He's fucking with your head!
Come on.
That's not how we playing the game.
Not man enough to play your own game?
Where's your cojones?
Shut up!
You gonna hide behind your homeboys?
Where's your pride?
Come on, I pulled three times.
You ain't pulled once.
What are you doing, man?
You disrespecting me?
You saying I ain't a man?
I'm saying you're a fool.
Don't be doing that shit, man!
You the man, Cesar.
You the man, and you ain't shit! You hear me?
He got character and you ain't got shit!
What the fuck?
Yeah, shoot his ass, homey.
Your turn.
You got some respect back now?
The only thing you respect is stupidity.
You willing to die for stupidity?
See, I am, if it'll teach you something.
You can't kill me, homeboy.
What I am, what I was, died over a year ago.
Everything I've ever wanted has been taken from me.
And no matter how many of you I get rid of...
...I can't get it back!
I was a teacher!
I wanted to help you!
You can't kill me!
And you can't scare me!
He's crazy, man.
That's right!
Isn't that what you respect?
Loco! Come on, Cesar!
If you're gonna be stupid, be all the way stupid!
Put it to your head, pull the trigger!
Do it!
Do it!
Do it!
Your whole way of life is bullshit!
Macho is bullshit!
It's all I got!
So now you're the victim?
Let me take your turn for you.
Shit! He's out! He's fucking out!
He smoked himself!
Let's go. Oh, man! Let's go, homey.
He took my turn.
I could've taken my own motherfucking turn.
So fucking what? He's dead.
Let's go! Come on!
I've gotta do this.
Fuck this!
What are you doing? Let's go!
I got one in six chances.
I'm gonna beat this bitch.
What the f...?
Why'd you do that, man?
What's the fucking point?
...the sight of my own reflection...
...increased my loneliness.
The title of my essay is...
..."Mi Salida"...
..."My Way Out."
(pana la urma a avut norocul sa prinda si el un glontz in cap)
Sunday, November 27. 2005
Cats and dogs out there, huh?
Must have a lot going on for all that stuff back there.
You could...
You could have quite a party with all that stuff.
You been on Prozac long? Dexedrine?
I don't...
Interesting drugs.
Dexedrine's basically speed in a pill, you know?
But I guess a lot of the doctors... are balancing out the Prozac with the Dexedrine.
That liquid morphine will knock you down... out, around, up and down, someone's not careful.
You can't mix those up.
Strong stuff here, boy.
What exactly you have wrong, you need all this stuff?
- Motherfucker!
- What?
What are you talking about?
You fucking asshole!
Who the fuck do you think you are?
I come in here... you don't know who I am, what my life is...and you have the balls, the indecency... to ask me a question about my life?
Please, lady, why don't you just calm down?
Fuck you, too! Don't you call me lady!
I come in here, I give these things to you... you check, you make your phone calls... look suspicious, ask questions!
I'm sick!
I have sickness all around me, and you ask me my life?
What's wrong? Have you seen death in your bed? In your house? Where's your fucking decency?
And then I'm asked fucking questions.
What's... wrong?!
You suck my dick! That's what's wrong!
And you fucking call me lady?!
Shame on you!
Shame on both of you!
Saturday, November 26. 2005
BRAD is seated behind his desk, reading a document. LESTER
sits across from him, smiling.
(reads) job consists of basically masking my contempt for the assholes in charge, and, at least
once a day, retiring to the men's room so I can jerk off while I fantasize about a life that doesn't
so closely resemble hell.
(looks up at Lester)
Well, you obviously have no interest in saving yourself.
I've spent fourteen years being a whore for the advertising industry.
The only way I could save myself now is to start firebombing.
Whatever. Management wants you gone by the end of the day.
Whoa. What kind of severance package is "management" prepared to
give me? Considering the information I have about our editorial director buying pussy
with company money.
A beat.
LESTER (cont'd)
Which I'm sure would interest the I.R.S., since, technically, it does constitute fraud. And some of our
advertisers and rival publications might like to know about it as well. Not to mention Craig's wife.
A beat. BRAD sighs.
What do you want?
One year's salary, with continued benefits.
That's not going to happen.
What if I throw in a little sexual harassment charge?
Against who?
Against you.
LESTER (cont'd)
Can you prove you didn't offer to save my job if I'd let you blow me?
BRAD leans BACK IN his chair, studying Lester.
Man. You are one twisted fuck.
Nope. Just an ordinary guy with nothing to lose.
LESTER starts toward the door, then:
LESTER (cont'd)
I hope you and I can still be friends, Brad. And even though you didn't save my job...
You can still blow me, asshole.
And He exits.