Friday, January 25. 2008
ca si idee nemescu se pisa pe mungiu.
4 sapt trei saptamani si 2 zile este filmul ideal de vazut in est, in rest ..
la blocul unde locuia mama doctorului se vedea cablul rds
pe holul hotelului se vedea senzorul de fum
mi-am dat seama pentru prima oara ca romania este tzara ideeala pentru filme cu buget mic, mai ales actiunea e prin anii 1950.
frate, ai nevoie de un loc dezolant, totul gata pregatit de marinari chiori si de guvernanti de tot cacatul ... vino in romania. e la fel din 1945 toamna.
discursul serios al doctorului din camera de hotel .. forestier.
imi dau seama de ce nu a existat pana de curand nici o "urma" a filmului pe dc sau altele ... pentru ca pe youtube exista deja o recenzie: filmul acela cu o blonda concurenta la miss smthing care spune: iraq, pace ,educatie, africa de sud, dragoste, america, putem, sistemul.
asta este celebrul film al lui mungiu, o aglomeratie de lucruri arhi cunoscute, un fel de strada plina de cacati de caine pe care, mergand, intr-un mod ametitor reusesti sa calci in ficare, si respectiv fiecare cacat este atat de proaspat si de necalcat incat mungiu iti prezinta detaliile intr-un muget lung si rasunator.
singurul motiv pentru care m-am uitat la film pana la capat a fost doar curiozitatea de a vedea cine ingroapa pe cine. se pare ca doar supararea e ingropata cu ce a mai ramas din meniul unei nunti. clasic dealtfel.
nu imi pot explica cum un film atat de sterp poate sa atraga atatea articole de ziar si atatea premii.
este atat de banal, de lipsit de orice ... nu m-ar mira ca acest film sa fie doar "aplaudat" pentru ca nu stiu in ce tzara se doreste interzicerea avortului, si aceasta o sa fie o propaganda excelenta.
Monday, November 19. 2007
I don’t want to be a product of my environment. I want my environment to be a product…of me.
Years ago, we had the Church. That was only a way of saying we had each other. The Knights of Columbus were head-breakers. They took over their piece of the city.
The neighborhood. 1980's. We won't be here long. This isn't where Costello ends up. It's where he began. Liquor stores with shamrocked signs. Twenty years after an Irishman couldn't get a job, we had the presidency. That’s what the niggers don’t realize. If I got one thing against the black chaps it's this. No one gives it to you. You have to take it.
wearing a State Police sweatshirt is running, alongside BROWN a black trainee with specs.
She tells me, you never finish anything.
(puff puff)
You finish the police course you get taken care of again baby.
(puff puff)
So after graduation
(puff puff)
I get a blowjob again.
That's great. Your mom must be a wonderful woman.
Fuck yourself.
They solemnly toast uncle Jackie and his fate among the fucking guineas. Across the crowded room, BILLY is ordering at the bar.
A cranberry juice.
It's a natural diuretic. My girlfriend drinks it when she got her period.
(to BILLY)
You got your period?
BILLY glances over at the table where MISTER FRENCH sits with SEAN, and then smashes his glass into the face of the WELL DRESSED SCUMBAG. He stands waiting for the SCUMBAG to get up he is grabbed and shoved against the wall by MISTER FRENCH. Popped into a pay phone hard. The pay phone comes off the hook.
Get your hands off me.
Do you know me?
BILLY shakes his head no.
I'm the guy who tells you there are guys you hit and there are guys you don't. That's not quite a guy you can't hit, but it's almost a guy you can't hit, so I'm fucking ruling on it right now that you don't hit him, understand?
Yeah. Excellent. Fine.
I know you. I know your family. Also I know you do another drug deal with your idiot fucking copmagnet cousin I'll forget your grandmother was very nice to me and cut your fucking nuts off. You understand that?
Now you know me.
A beat: they stare at each other.
What are you drinking?
Cranberry juice.
A beat.
What is it, your period?
BILLY laughs.
Get him a cranberry juice.
My theory on Feds is they're like mushrooms. Feed 'em shit and keep in the dark.
Good day, Fathers.
(terrified and simultaneously)
Good morning [day], Francis, good morning.
The OLDER PRIEST is very nervous, looking around. The YOUNGER PRIEST concerned for his elder but personally not implicated.
COSTELLO leans over the OLDER PRIEST, a pathetic man.
You recall our chat?
(the OLDER PRIEST nods, terrified)
"I am as God made me", was that what you said? May I remind you,
God don't run the bingo in this archdiocese.
May I remind you, Mr. Costello, that pride comes before the fall.
What comes before the Fall is the Summertime.
COSTELLO notices that THE NUN is heading back to the table.
How is Sister Mary Theresa doing?
We had a tasty relationship before she took her vows. Enjoy your clams, cocksuckers.
COSTELLO (to translator)
How you going, Robert?
Tops, Mr. Costello. I want to tell you that at least two of these gents have machine guns.
COSTELLO takes it all in. The CHINESE GANGSTER looks like a Malay pirate. Costello’s gunmen are perched above, automatic weapons trained on the Triad.
CHINESE GANGSTER (in Cantonese, not subtitled)
Waiting, waiting. We almost departed! This man is from the Embassy. He will have to blow his brains out if he is captured. His entire family will be killed.
He’s a little upset.
Tell him light on the starch.
(roughly translating)
He’s fronting the Chinese government and he’s just scared shitless.
Government man. (loudly, to Chinese)
I’m concerned about Chinamen who think it's wise to bring automatic weapons to a business transaction.
The CHINESE GANGSTER interjects --
Ngup, Ngup, Ngup. Ngaw um ming. Kay ngup mutt. [Yap, yap, yap. I don’t understand. What is he saying?]
The CHINESE TRANSLATOR translates Costello’s statement about “concern.”
SEVERAL OF THE TRIAD, hearing a “automatic weapon,” stupidly raise their MACHINE GUNS. They don’t aim them.
For his own good, tell Bruce Lee and the Karate Kids none of us are carrying automatic weapons because here, in this country, it don’t add inches to your dick. You get a life sentence for it.
We (but no one else) hear a double click as MISTER FRENCH cocks a pistol behind his back.
Put away that machine gun.
The MACHINE GUN is put away.
If these chinks want to nuke Taiwan any time in this century, you tell them they better shape up fast and show me one million dollars.
What we generally do in this country is one guy shows up with the items, and the other guy pays him. No laundry.
COSTELLO gestures and a BOX of PROCESSORS is put on the floor. Opened. The CHINESE GANGSTER gestures and a case of money is put on the floor. Opened. FITZY looks at it, nods.
Nay tiey ching chaw yut bok mon. [Make sure it’s real. It’s a million dollars.]. ALTERNATE/ALSO
(insult): Ne dei yeeche ling ngnaw dong maw gok nay chun. [Next time you make me wait, I’m going to cut your dick off.]
In English, thank you, also.
Du ne. [Fuck you.]
The deal is done.
The expedition continues this way.
Tuesday, October 9. 2007
saw 4 sau "ti-o trag si mort.", scuzati ideea prezindentiabila dar in fine .. se pare ca saw3 are o continuare .. saw4, in care desi atat tipul care planifica jocurile cat si aghiotanta lui drogata au murit .. iata ca din neant la sfarsitul lui octombrie cineva o sa omoare un negru.
hai noroc si sa iti traiasca srl.ul. (fie ca are CUI sau CF)
Friday, February 16. 2007
Jules: Okay, so tell me again about the hash bars
Vincent: Okay, watcha wanna know?
Jules: Hash is legal now right?
Vincent: Yeah, it's legal, but it ain't 100% legal. I mean, you can't just walk into, roll a joint, and start puffing away. I mean, they want you to smoke it in your home or certain designated places.
Jules: And those are hash bars
Vincent: Yeah, it breaks down like this, okay, it's legal to buy it, it's legal to own it, and if you're the proprietor of a hash bars, it's legal to sell it. It's legal to carry it, but but, that doesn't matter, because...get a load of this, alright, if you get stopped by a cop in Amsterdam, it's illegal for them to search you. I mean, that's the right the cops in Amsterdam DON'T have
Jules: Oh man, I'm going, that's all it is to it, I'm f**kin going
Vincent: I know baby, you dig it the most.....but you know the funniest thing about Europe is?
Jules: What?
Vincent: It's the little differences. I mean, they got the same sh*t over there that they got here, but it's just, it's just their's a little different
Jules: Example
Vincent: Alright, well you can walk into a movie theater in Amsterdam, and buy a beer. And I don't mean just like no paper cup, I'm talking about a glass of beer. And in Paris, you can buy a beer in McDonald's. And you know what they call uh...a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Paris?
Jules: They don't call it a Quarter Pounder with Cheese?
Vincent: nah man they got the metric system, they wouldn't know what the f*ck a quarter pounder is
Jules: Then what do they call it?
Vincent: They call it, uh, Royale with Cheese
Jules: Royale with Cheese?
Vincent: That's right
Jules: What do they call a Big Mac?
Vincent: A Big Mac is a Big Mac, but they call it Le Big Mac
Jules: Le Big Mac, (laughs) what do they call a Whopper?
Vincent: I don't know, I didn't go into Burger King.....You know what they put on french fries in Holland instead of ketchup?
Jules: What?
Vincent: Mayonnaise
Jules: Damn, laughter
Vincent: I seen them do it man, they f**ckin drown them in that sh*t
Jules: Yuck
Monday, December 11. 2006
- Excuse me, Vladimir? I don't know how they do it in the Ukraine, but I believe I was here first.
- Be cool, nigger.
- Nigger?
- Have you lost your mind?
I mean, how is it that you can disrespect a man's ethnicity when you know we've influenced nearly every facet of white America, from our music to our style of dress, not to mention your basic imitation of our sense of cool... walk, talk, dress, mannerisms.
We enrich your very existence, all the while contributing to the gross national product through our achievements in corporate America.
It's these conceits that comfort me when I'm faced with the ignorant, cowardly, bitter and bigoted who have no talent, no guts, people like you who desecrate things they don't understand when the truth is you should say, "Thank you, man," and go on about your way.
But apparently, you're incapable of doing that.
Racial epithets.
Why does it always come down to that?
Makes me sad for my daughter.