Friday, November 2. 2012
[ Cheloo ]
2004, pura fictiune, te transport in timp,
Vei calatori gratuit spre un nou regim.
Stim deja cazuri de coruptie
Din senat, guvern, armata si politie.
Oare nimeni n-a dat atentie in atatia ani,
Sau aveti sa placerea sa fiti dusi de cleptomani?!?
N-am coborat ieri din bananier,
Momentan sunt in audienta la premier.
[ Ombladon ]
Cat timp tre sa treaca, politicienii nostrii sa-nteleaga?!?
Caci stim cu totii in ce cacat se scalda.
Astept de mult raspunsul la o intrebare: [ Sa vina! ]
Cati dintre politicieni prizeaza cocaina?!?
Acuzati poporul ca nu-i civilizat, pai cum cacat sa fie?!?
E deprimat cu adevarat!
Se stie: cand omu’ n-are ce sa puna-n farfurie
Cu siguranta-l doare fix in pula unde arunca o hartie!
N-am habar, domnul prim ministru, dar spune tu, daca nu se fura
Cum v-ati ridicat vile din salariu de 1000 de parai pe luna?!?
Iti suna cunoscut?!?
Va pisati pe noi continuu, iar zi-mi:
Fiu-tu se bucura la alocatie ca fiu-miu?!? [ Nu cred! ]
In multe tari ti-ai dus familia pe banii nostrii,
Iar noi ca prostii plangem dupa fostii. [ Era altceva! ]
Furau cu mai mult bun simt cei dinaintea ta!
[ Cheloo ]
Bagav-ati in pamant incet metru cu metru!!!
Imi respect dreptul de-a face ce vreau,
Nu vreau sa va castig respectul.
Nu vedeti efectul, imunitatea afecteaza grav intelectul.
Legea CNA modificata te leaga legal,
N-am voie sa spun nimic de interes national.
Presa libera va desconsidera de mult in manevrele litera cu litera.
Dreptul meu la replica nu e un dar pe care voi mi-l faceti,
Nu mai votez pe nimeni, nici daca ma bateti!
Va retrageti mereu in umbra, ascunsi de propaganda,
Faceti contrabanda, pe banda rulanta.
Incep sa fierb dar nu ma pierd.
Alege ultimul episod, te rog - Alegeri:
Conferinte de guvern sau gratare la Snavog??
Bah, tarfa sub acoperire nu se imbraca-n mov!
[ Ombladon ] Ia zi gogule, a iesit marfa?!?
S-ar putea sa te calce vreo masina neagra dupa piesa asta!
[ Ombladon ] Ce-ai zis?!?
S-ar putea sa te calce vreo masina neagra dupa piesa asta!
[ Ombladon ] Crezi?!?.. hmhhm.. groaznic…
[ Andrei Gheorghe ]
Stau si ma scobesc in fund intr-un studiou imund
Undeva sub pamant impreuna cu trupa Parazitii.
Transpiram de ne cad flocii si dintii;
Si ne gandim ca afara daca iesim o sa gasim un Jack Beam sau un Jim Daniels
Confuzie intre doua termene idioata, cretina si nesfarsita.
Ragait Legea dreptului la ragait.
Cu ce este mai indecenta pula decat furtul?!?
Intrebare pentru clasa a patra…
Angelica, vrei sa-mi bag pula-n tine?!?
Da, multumesc Maricel.
Daca eu dau textul asta pe radio a doua zi voi fi condamnat,
Dar daca fur 500.000.000.000 Lei niciodata nu voi fi penal asasinat.
Oricine stie ca se ia spaga, oricine stie si numele carora li s-a dat
Si nimeni niciodata nu o sa recunoasca si n-o sa spuna
Si o sa moara cu cugetul impacat.
Clasa politica din romania impartita intre Stolojan vreme de-un an,
Roman, Iliescu zambeste maestru si Nastase,
Care cu patru case avanseaza inainte inspre Nistorescu,
Care isi pune ochelari de soare cumparati cu dolari si parale
Si porma aluneca ma in jos inspre Tinu, care o face cu afeceristu’ Babuinu’..
Si incolo intre ziare si televiziuni si alte chestii nasoale,
§$%.. ca prostii dam noi telefoane:
Gheorghe, ce faci?!? Buna Ziua, vreau sa spun ca te iubesc foarte mult!
Muie si sacaz
Romania e cea mai buna idee care s-a intamplat vreodata romanilor..
La revedere, domn’ prim ministru.
Mergem mai departe..
Este tara in care niciodata nimic nu se termina!!!
Wednesday, December 7. 2011
People!! It feels so good to be back.
Ladies and gentleman, introducing the new and improved you know who
[Verse 1:]
Never been the type to bend or budge
The wrong button to push,
No friend of Bush
I'm the centerpiece, you're the Maltese.
I am a pitbull off his leash,
All this peace talk can cease.
All these people I had to leave in limbo,
I'm back now,
I've come to release this info
I'll be brief and let me just keep shit simple.
Can-a-bitch don't want no beef with Slim?
Not even on my radar,
So won't you please jump off my dick
Lay off and stay off,
And follow me as I put these crayons to chaos from seance to seance,
[Chorus X2:]
You all c'mon now,
Let's all get on down,
Let's do-si-do now,
We're gonna have a good ol' time.
Don't be scared, 'cause there ain't nothing to worry about,
Let your hair down,
And square dance with me!
[Verse 2:]
Let your hair down to the track,
Yeah kick on back.
The boogies monster of rap,
Yeah the man's back
With a plan to ambush this Bush administration,
Mush the Senate's face in and push this generation,
Of kids to stand and fight for the right to say something you might not like,
This white hot light,
That I'm under,
No wonder,
I look so sunburnt,
Oh no,
I won't leave no stone unturned,
Oh no I won't leave,
Won't go nowhere,
Oh, yo, ho, hello there
Oh yeah don't think I won't go there,
Go to the Beirut and do a show there
Yeah you laugh till your motherfuckin' ass gets drafted,
While you're at band camp thinkin' the crap can't happen,
Till you fuck around,
Get an anthrax napkin,
Inside a package wrapped in saran Wrap wrapping,
Open the plastic and then you stand back gasping,
Fuckin' assassins hijackin' Amtracks crashing,
All this terror America demands action,
Next thing you know you've got Uncle Sam's ass askin'
To join the army or what you'll do for there Navy.
You just a baby,
Gettin' recruited at eighteen,
You're on a plane now,
Eating their food and their baked beans.
I'm 28,
They gonna take you 'fore they take me
Crazy insane or insane crazy?
When I say Hussein you say Shady,
My views ain't changed still Inhumane,
Arraigned two days late,
The date's today,
Hang me!
[Chorus X2:]
[Verse 3:]
Nothin' moves me more than a groove the soothes me,
Nothin' soothes me more than a groove
that boosts me,
Nothin' boosts me more,
Or suits me beautifully,
There's nothin' you can do to me,
Stab me,
Shoot me,
Hypnotic, product I got the antibiotic.
Ain't nobody hotter and so on and yada yada
God I talk a lot of hem-de-lay-la-la-la,
oochie walla um da dah da dah da but you gotta gotta,
Keep movin',
There's more music to make,
Keep makin' new shit,
Produce hits to break
the monotony,
What's gotten into me?
Drug's, rock and Hennessey,
Thug like I'm 'Pac on my enemies,
On your knees,
Got you under seige,
Somebody you would give a lung to be hungry,
Like a fuckin' younger me,
Fuck the fee,
I can get you jumped for free,
Yah buddy,
Laugh it's funny,
I have the money to have you killed by somebody who has nothing,
I'm past bluffing,
Pass the K-Y,
Let's get ready for some intense,
serious ass fucking!
[Chorus X2]
Dr. Dre., wants to square with me,
Nasty Nas, wants to square dance with me,
X to the Z, wants to square dance with me,
Busta Rhymes, wants to square dance with me,
Cana-bitch won't square dance with me,
Fan-a-bitch, won't square dance with me,
Canada-bis, don't want no parts of me,
Dirty Dozen wants to square dance with you-----YEE-HAW!!!
Thursday, November 3. 2011
[Verse 1]
These ideas are nightmares to white parents
Whose worst fear is a child with dyed hair and who likes earrings
Like whatever they say has no bearing, it's so scary in a house that allows
no swearing
To see him walking around with his headphones blaring
Alone in his own zone, cold and he don't care
He's a problem child
And what bothers him all comes out, when he talks about
His fuckin' dad walkin' out
Cause he just hates him so bad that he blocks him out
If he ever saw him again he'd probably knock him out
His thoughts are whacked, he's mad so he's talkin' back
Talkin' black, brainwashed from rock and rap
He sags his pants, do-rags and a stocking cap
His step-father hit him, so he socked him back, and broke his nose
His house is a broken home, there's no control, he just let's his emotions
{C'mon}, sing with me, {sing}, sing for the years
{Sing it}, sing for the laughter, sing for the tears, {c'mon)
Sing it with me, just for today, maybe tomorrow the good Lord will take you
[Verse 2]
Entertainment is changin', intertwinin' with gangsta's
In the land of the killers, a sinner's mind is a sanctum
Holy or unholy, only have one homie
Only this gun, lonely cause don't anyone know me
Yet everybody just feels like they can relate, I guess words are a
mothafucka they can be great
Or they can degrade, or even worse they can teach hate
It's like these kids hang on every single statement we make
Like they worship us, plus all the stores ship us platinum
Now how the fuck did this metamorphosis happen
From standin' on corners and porches just rappin'
To havin' a fortune, no more kissin' ass
But then these critics crucify you, journalists try to burn you
Fans turn on you, attorneys all want a turn at you
To get they hands on every dime you have, they want you to lose your mind
every time you mad
So they can try to make you out to look like a loose cannon
Any dispute won't hesitate to produce handguns
That's why these prosecutors wanna convict me, strictly just to get me off
of these streets quickly
But all they kids be listenin' to me religiously, so i'm signin' cd's while
police fingerprint me
They're for the judge's daughter but his grudge is against me
If i'm such a fuckin' menace, this shit doesn't make sense Pete
It's all political, if my music is literal, and i'm a criminal how the fuck
can I raise a little girl
I couldn't, I wouldn't be fit to, you're full of shit too, Guerrera, that
was a fist that hit you...
[Verse 3]
They say music can alter moods and talk to you
Well can it load a gun up for you , and cock it too
Well if it can, then the next time you assault a dude
Just tell the judge it was my fault and i'll get sued
See what these kids do is hear about us totin' pistols
And they want to get one cause they think the shit's cool
Not knowin' we really just protectin' ourselves, we entertainers
Of course the shit's affectin' our sales, you ignoramus
But music is reflection of self, we just explain it, and then we get our
checks in the mail
It's fucked up ain't it
How we can come from practically nothing to being able to have any fuckin'
thing that we wanted
That's why we sing for these kids, who don't have a thing
Except for a dream, and a fuckin' rap magazine
Who post pin-up pictures on their walls all day long
Idolize they favorite rappers and know all they songs
Or for anyone who's ever been through shit in their lives
Till they sit and they cry at night wishin' they'd die
Till they throw on a rap record and they sit, and they vibe
We're nothin' to you but we're the fuckin' shit in they eyes
That's why we seize the moment try to freeze it and own it, squeeze it and
hold it
Cause we consider these minutes golden
And maybe they'll admit it when we're gone
Just let our spirits live on, through our lyrics that you hear in our
songs and we can...
Thursday, July 28. 2011
Pentru cine am muncit toata viata mea
Pentru copii, pentru casa si nevasta mea
Pentru cine am muncit toata viata mea
Pentru copii, pentru casa si nevasta mea
Am muncit si nopti, dar am muncit si zile
Pentru tine draga mea ca sa te simti bine
Am filmat si nopti dar am filmat si zile
Pentru tine draga mea ca sa te simti bine
Am filmat si nopti dar am filmat si zile
Pentru tine draga mea ca sa te simti bine
Am muncit zile si nopti doar pentru copii
Cat traiesc pe lume Doamne le fac bucurii
Am muncit zile si nopti doar pentru copii
Cat traiesc pe lume Doamne le fac bucurii
Am muncit si nopti, dar am muncit si zile
Pentru tine draga mea ca sa te simti bine
Am filmat si nopti dar am filmat si zile
Pentru tine draga mea ca sa te simti bine
Am filmat si nopti dar am filmat si zile
Pentru tine draga mea ca sa te simti bïne
Wednesday, June 1. 2011
Bin ich schöner
zerschneid mir das Gesicht
bin ich stärker
brich feige mein Genick
bin ich klüger
töte mich und iss mein Hirn
Hab ich dein Weib
töte mich und iss mich ganz auf
dann iss mich ganz auf
Bin ich ehrlicher
beiss mir die Zunge ab
bin ich reicher
dann nimm mir alles
bin ich mutiger
töte mich und iss mein Herz
Hab ich dein Weib
töte mich und iss mich ganz auf
dann iss mich ganz auf
doch leck den Teller ab
Es kocht die Eifersucht
Hab ich so glatte Haut
zieh sie in Streifen ab
Hab ich die klaren Augen
nimm mir das Licht
Hab ich die reine Seele
töte sie in Flammen
Habe ich dein Weib dann
töte mich und iss mich ganz auf
dann iss mich ganz auf
doch leck den Teller ab
Es kocht die Eifersucht