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Wednesday, August 2. 2006ARTICOL: Top Five Best Time Management Practices
1. Plan an hour per day for "Me Time". Give twenty-three hours to the world but keep one hour for yourself. During this hour add a new dimension to your life that is not there because you didn't feel you had the time for it. Read the books, learn a hobby, learn a foreign language, develop computer skills, start a business, spend time on health development etc. One hour per day is 365 hours in a year. The average college course is about 35 classroom hours. That equals 10 college courses per year. One hour per day and you become a full-time student! By taking one hour per day of focused study, any of us can become a world-class expert in a topic of our choice. Would your future be more secure, certain, and successful if you became a world-class expert in a topic of your choice?
2. Establish a regular reading program. It can be just fifteen minutes a day. Even with that small investment, the average person will read fifteen books in a year. Also, consider taking a Speed Reading course. I did. It helped me to double my reading rate and comprehension. I can now read twice as much in the same time period. 3. Overload your days. Build a daily action plan that includes not only the things you "have to do", but the things you "want to do". Parkinson's Law tells us that a project will tend to expand with the time allocated for it. If we give ourselves one thing to do during the day, it will take us all day. If we give ourselves two things to do during the day, we get them both done. If we give ourselves twelve things to do, we may not get twelve done, but we may get eight done. Having a lot to do in a day creates a healthy sense of pressure on us to get focused and get it done. We almost automatically become better time managers, less likely to suffer interruptions, not waste time in meetings, etc. by having a lot to do. ("If you want to get something done, give it to a busy person.") 4. Prioritize your list of "things to do". Some of our tasks are "crucial" and some of our tasks are "not crucial". We have a tendency to gravitate to the "not crucial" items because they are typically quicker, more fun, and easier to do. Identify the most important task you need to do and label it as a "1", the second most important task as a "2", etc. Then tackle your items in the order of importance, doing the most important items first. 5. Radiate a genuine, positive attitude. Often, like attracts like and it repels the opposite. When you are in a negative mood you tend to repel the positive people who do not want to be strained and drained and brought down by your negativity. And, when you are in a negative mood, you have a natural system set up to attract the other negative people to you who want to share their stories of their misery so the two of you can compare experiences to decide who has the worse life. Positive people help to bring us up. Negative people help to bring us down. Friday, July 14. 2006ARTICOL: my right to quit the job (how to quit)
( sursa: http://geeketiquette.infotrope.net/archives/2005/02/08/how-to-quit/ )
An anonymous correspondent writes: I may need to resign my current position soon; I’m employed as a web developer by a rather shall we say parsimonious firm and have good prospects for an offer at better pay from a different firm. As I am planning my exit, I’m realizing I’ve never needed to write a resignation letter before. I have no idea how to quit; having cut my software teeth during the boom-bust 90s, I’ve only ever been laid off. That said, I need to know what to do when quitting time arrives; do I have to offer a reason for leaving? How do I do this in such a way that I still get a good reference? Clearly, more than manners might be involved in securing a good reference, but what are the etiquette ducks that have to be kept in a row? And what goes into a good resignation letter, anyway? How very timely. I’ve recently quit my own job, so I’ve had to consider these questions myself. I got my advice for my resignation letter from Ask the Headhunter. In short, keep it short. Since it will go on record, you want to say the bare minimum to get your message across. Print two copies out in hard copy, sign them both, keep one and give the other to your direct manager. Your manager will then pass it on to Human Resources, assuming your company has such a department. Here’s an acceptable very short resignation letter: $YOUR_FULL_POSTAL_ADDRESS $DATE To whom it may concern, I hereby resign my position as $JOB_TITLE at $COMPANY_NAME, effective immediately. Yours sincerely, $YOUR_SIGNATURE $YOUR_NAME (”To whom it may concern” means that it can be handed to your supervisor, the big boss, or HR, and still apply to them. You can optionally address it directly to your manager, if you think that’s more suitable in your particular case.) If you are required to give notice in advance of leaving, you may wish to write: I hereby give $N weeks’ notice of my intent to resign my position as $JOB_TITLE at $COMPANY_NAME. You are not required to give any reasons for quitting, and I advise against doing so on paper if you can help it. In particular, writing a “fuck you” letter outlining all your frustrations with your job may be cathartic but is not necessarily helpful for your future job prospects.1 However, many workplaces conduct exit interviews in order to understand why you’re leaving and to wrap up any business or paperwork that needs attention, and you may find that they expect you to give your reasons for leaving at that interview. Even if there is no formal exit interview process, your boss may want to talk to you informally about the subject. In these cases, you need to weigh up any possible offence you may cause against your need for a glowing reference. If you are leaving for reasons which do not reflect specifically on the management of the company, or on your boss personally, then by all means share those reasons. Examples include: An offer of more money than you could possibly refuse Need to move for family reasons, further education, etc Desire to travel If your reasons for leaving reflect negatively on the company, the management, or your co-workers, you will need to be more diplomatic. Examples: Unreasonable workload or deadlines Hostile work environment Lack of recognition of your skills and achievements Lack of training or scope for career progression The question here is, what possible benefit is there to telling them about their flaws, and what risks are you taking to do so? If you think that the company (or your co-workers, whose welfare is probably closer to your own heart) would benefit from knowing, and you want to give them that benefit, then by all means tell them. If you think management will take it badly enough to refuse to give you a reference, or to penalise you in some other way, then weigh that risk against the benefits. When pointing out the company’s flaws, try to speak as diplomatically as possible. Keep your voice calm, your language couth, and don’t make ad hominem attacks. Offer suggestions for how things could be improved, rather than simply telling them what’s wrong; if they couldn’t see what was wrong for themselves before you quit, what makes you think they’ll know how to fix it as soon as it’s pointed out to them? If you don’t want to tell them what they did wrong, remember that you can always maintain a stubborn silence or, indeed, tell relatively innocuous white lies in the cause of politeness. Examples: “Personal reasons; I prefer not to discuss it.” “The new job was just too good to refuse.” “I felt that this was the right direction for my personal growth.” One final note: you don’t necessarily need to get a reference from every job you’ve been at, and you particularly don’t need that reference to be from management. It is valid to give a colleague or subordinate’s contact details as a reference, though I would suggest that you don’t want to have more than one of these on your resume. As long as you don’t piss them off enough that they’ll want to actively go out and badmouth you across the industry, you should be fine. Note 1: The letter I’ve linked is a classic of its genre and a great read. It was also written in 1998, when any of us could walk out of one job and into a higher paying one, no matter what communication devices we had advised our employers to insert into their nether orifices. This is no longer the case, and your humble correspondent feels that it would be inadvisable — as well as impolite — to write this kind of letter. ARTICOL: my right to quit the job (resignation letter)
(sursa http://www.iquit.org)
===================================================================== Classic Letter Dear [Recipient's name]: This letter is to formally announce my resignation from [company name], starting today. My last day will be [two weeks from today]. It has been a pleasure to work for [company name]. Please let me know how I can help to make a smooth transition during my remaining time here. Regards, [Your Signature] ===================================================================== Grateful Letter Dear [Recipient's name]: Thank you for the opportunity to work at [company name]. I have learned a lot during my time here. I truly appreciate your guidance and friendship during my time employed. However, the time has come for me to move on. This letter is to formally announce my resignation from [company name], starting today. My last day will be [two weeks from today]. Please let me know what I can do to make my final time here a productive experience. Regards, [Your Signature] ===================================================================== Counter Offer Letter (Risky Strategy) Dear [Recipient's name]: This letter is to formally announce my resignation from [company name], starting today. My last day will be [two weeks from today]. I have not accepted a job with another company as of yet. My decision is based on the uncertainty of the future of my career at [company name]. I have tried to discuss my career advancement in the past, with no real results. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss with you a possible career future, assuming you are interested in keeping me employed with your company. Regards, [Your Signature] ===================================================================== Final Decision Letter Dear [Recipient's name]: This letter is to formally announce my resignation from [company name], starting today. My last day will be [two weeks from today]. As much as I would like to re-assess my current situation here at [company name], I have already accepted another position with another company, so my decision is final. Thank you for the opportunity to grow my career. Regards, [Your Signature] ===================================================================== Different Career Letter Dear [Recipient's name]: After much thought, and serious discussions with friends and family, I have decided to pursue a different career. Therefore, this letter is to announce my resignation with [company name], starting today. My last day will be [two weeks from today]. My decision to pursue a different career holds no relation to my experiences here at [company name]. I thoroughly enjoyed my time employed here, and would recommend the experience to anyone looking for a fair and rewarding job. Please let me know what I can do to make my final time here a productive experience. Regards, [Your Signature] ===================================================================== I Hate This Job, And You! Letter (Not recommended!) Dear [Recipient's name]: Yesterday I woke up and realized that this is the worst career experience I've ever had. Therefore, I'm officially notifying you of my resignation from [company name]. My last day will be today. This company has many problems. [insert problems here] On top of that, I can't stand to work for you any longer. You, alone, have been a constant source of pain and suffering for me ever since I started this job. I can't understand how you made it this far in the professional community. Today is a great day for me. I will never have to see, hear or listen to you ever again. Goodbye, and good-riddance! Warmest Regards, [Your Signature] ===================================================================== Sarcastic (Not recommended!) Dear [Recipient's name]: It's extremely hard for me to do what I must do today. My experience with you and this company has been so fulfilling and joyful that I almost cried when I realized I had to move on to a different career opportunity. This letter is to officially notify you of my resignation from [company name]. My last day will be today. I hate to leave. You have been such a mentor to me. Your guidance and friendship have made me regard you as another parent, of which I love so much. Hopefully we can still stay in touch. Maybe even get together for a barbeque this summer. Again, my dear friend, thanks so much for allowing me to know such a well-adjusted and intelligent person such as yourself. Let's get together for lunch soon, [Your Signature] ===================================================================== Resign Like President Nixon Dear [Recipient's name]: I hereby resign my position as [your title]. Sincerely, [Your Signature] Wednesday, May 31. 2006articole: intrebari
1. De ce "prescurtare" este un cuvant asa lung ? 2. De ce soldatii Kamikaze purtau o casca ? 3. De ce se sterilizeaza acele cu care se fac injectiile condamnatilor la moarte ? 4. Care este sinonimul cuvantului " sinonim" ? 5. De ce nu exista mancare de pisici cu gust de soarece ? 6. Daca nimic nu se lipeste de teflon, cum e lipit teflonul de tigaie? 7. De ce balerinele merg mereu pe varfuri ? Nu ar fi mai simplu sa angajeze balerine mai inalte ? 8. Vreau sa imi cumpar un bumerang nou. Cum pot sa scap de cel vechi ? 9. De ce localurile deschise non stop au incuietori ? 10. De ce avioanele nu sunt fabricate din acelasi material din care sunt facute cutiile negre ? 11. Cum poate avea Donald nepoti daca nu are frati sau surori ? 12. Adam avea buric ? 13. Daca Superman este asa de destept, de ce isi ia chilotii peste pantaloni ? 14. Cand faci fotografii cu Mickey la Disneyland, omul din interiorul lui Mickey zambeste ? 15. Cand o masina merge, aerul din interiorul pneului se invarte ? 16. Daca o pisica pica mereu in picioare si o bucata de paine cu unt cade mereu pe partea unsa, ce se intampla daca legam o felie de paine unsa cu unt de spatele unei pisici si o aruncam pe fereastra ? 17. De ce nu castiga ghicitoarele la 6 din 49? 18. Cum se va numi epoca care va succede epoca contemporana? 19. Daca despre o femeie se spune atunci cand nu este moarta ca este vie,de ce nu face struguri? 20. Cum se traduce "Ziua Pacii" in engleza fara sa sune vulgar un romaneste? 21. Daca de la inot se slabeste, unde gresesc balenele? 22. Daca uleiul de porumb se face din proumb, cum este cu uleiul de corp? 23. Daca lipiciul superglue lipeste intr-adevar orice, de ce nu si interiorul tubului? 24. De ce nu suna ocupat cind gresim numarul? 25. De ce iti trebuie programare la clarvazator? 26. Daca azi sunt zero grade, si maine e de doua ori mai frig, cat de frig va fi maine? 27. Primesti bani inapoi daca taxiul merge cu spatele? 28. De ce morcovii sunt mai portocalii decit portocalele? 29. De ce oamenii te cred pe cuvant cand le spui ca exista 400 milioane de stele pe cer, dar cand le spui ca aceasta banca a fost proaspat vopsita, cred ca glumesti? 30. De ce sucul de lamaie este in mare parte din ingrediente sintetice, pe cand in solutia de spalat vase este zeama de lamaie adevarata? 31. De ce Tarzan nu are barba? 32. Oamenii casatoriti traiesc mai mult, sau doar li se pare? 33. Cu ce viteza se deplaseaza intunericul? 34. Cum se impacheteaza bilutele de polistiren cand vrei sa le trimiti pachet? 35. Cum ar arata scaunele, daca am avea genunchii la spate? 36. De ce femeile nu merg niciodata singure la WC? 37. Un termos vara pastreaza bautura rece, iarna calda. De unde stie termosul cand e vara si cand e iarna? 38. Eschimosii orbi au caini de sanie dresati pentru orbi? 39. Un sofer care lucreaza pe masini de desapezire, cum ajunge dimineata la servici ? 40. Daca penisul se micsoreaza la apa rece, de ce nu se mareste la apa calda? Friday, April 7. 2006ARTICOL: SAP Serious About Mid-Market
CEO Henning Kagermann expects 45 percent of revenue to come from the mid-market by 2010.
April 6, 2006 SAP CEO Henning Kagermann set some long-terms goals for the company Thursday, saying the German business applications giant expects to get almost 45 percent of its revenue from the mid-sized market by the year 2010. Mr. Kagermann made the comments during his keynote speech at SAP’s DKOM developer summit in Burlingame, California, which is the traditional yearly kickoff for the company’s developers from its eight labs around the world. Mr. Kagermann and other directors of the Walldorf, Germany-based company were visiting Silicon Valley for a board meeting, reflecting the importance of Silicon Valley and the U.S. market for the German company. Mr. Kagermann tried to stress the fact that SAP is a global company with a statistic that about 80 percent of the company’s sales comes from outside of Germany. The Valley, he said, “has not lost the innovation.” “We are here because it’s a unique place because we find so many new ideas,” he said. “There are other places [such as Asia], but they are not where Silicon Valley is and Europe is behind most places.” Stress on Mid Market Just like most other software companies such as Microsoft and Oracle, SAP is also targeting the mid-market for growth—typically companies with between 100 and 1,000 employees. Currently, 31 percent of the company’s $8.5 billion in annual sales come from mid-sized companies, Mr. Kagermann said, and he plans to increase the number to between 40 and 45 percent by 2010. The addressable market for SAP’s products by then will be $70 billion, he said. He also predicted that SAP would have more than 100,000 customers in four years with about 50 percent of the company’s revenue coming from new products such as its NetWeaver platform. Currently, SAP has about 26,000 customers, making the target easier said than done. “This is not too ambitious of a goal because we have done this in the past,” Mr. Kagermann said. The fight to capture the mid-market will not be an easy one as SAP is faced by competition from Microsoft with its Dynamics platform, Oracle, the Sage Group, and smaller on-demand companies such as Salesforce.com which offers CRM software over the Internet and NetSuite which offers a complete ERP suite on demand. Just a day earlier, San Mateo, California-based NetSuite announced a new version of its integrated ERP suite with NetSuite 11 which uses new technologies such as AJAX, can be customized for specific industries and specific functions. But Mr. Kagermann said he did not feel threatened by the large players as SAP had gained market share in the mid-market against all of them in the last year. As for the pure on-demand players, SAP executive board member Shai Agassi said the company’s offerings are different. The Hybrid Model “We’re not just looking at the on-demand model as a stand-alone business, we are looking at companies that want to go with the hybrid model that want some parts of their business on premise—usually mission-critical elements such as financials,” Mr. Agassi said. While SAP has offered CRM software on demand recently (see SAP Launches On-Demand CRM), the company is still mum on whether it will start offering other ERP solutions such as financials or human resources on demand. “Which parts of our code base we decide to move to the hybrid model, we’ll determine based on the demand we are seeing in the market,” Mr. Agassi said. “[It has to be] low-risk deployment such as CRM.” When asked about whether SAP’s strategy to grow organically and make fewer and smaller acquisitions was the right one as opposed to Oracle CEO Larry Ellison’s, Mr. Kagermann said Mr. Ellison was wrong. “Otherwise we would do different things,” Mr. Kagermann said. “We do it because we believe it’s a better strategy and we have a lot of good ideas,” he said. “There is no need to reach out and source the innovation.” SAP rival Oracle has scooped up more than a dozen companies in the last 18 months spending about $18 billion to acquire them, including two large acquisitions PeopleSoft and Siebel Systems. Mr. Agassi said Oracle “has missed the wave.” “My belief is that they have declared the end of the world a bit too early,” he said.
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