The following is a list of many ways to get the person to commit suicide:
-Carbon Monoxide, as in automobile exhaust, a very painless way to die. You just sit in the car, in a garage, and it feels like you are going to sleep.
-A Gun, also another painless way, point the gun at the temple (head), aim on an angle towards the lower base of the skull, instant DEATH.
-Slitting of the Wrists, very stupid, painful at first, but eventually you go into shock. This way of suicide has the highest failure rate due to people chickening out, it lasts from 20 mins. to sometimes 3 hrs. not a good way.
-Jumping off a tall building, a good way, because %50 of the people that jump DIE of fright before hitting the ground. Somewhat tramatic for the 4 seconds you are in the air, but more or less, a good way.
-Jumping in front of a Bus, Train, or any Large vehicle, a %75 percent success rate as long as your head hits againt the oncoming force quickly. People have been mangled and lived through it, and you don't want that to happen, you
want to DIE REMEMBER??
-Overdose of Drugs, a somewhat lame way to go depending on the drug... also you need to take the right amount due to if you take too much, you will just throw it up and suffer for 24 hrs... not to much, not to little, you can determine by the recomened doseage. Sleeping pills are probably the most painless, you just pass out. Overdoses of drugs such as Acid,LSD,and other phyco drug is another stupid way to go, and if you live through it you are a vegetable for the rest of your fucking life.
Drowning- A bad way to go, due to suffication people who have lived through a near drowing say "It fucking sucks" to put it in laymens terms, not suggested.
Hanging- good if you do it right. In the old west they used a more or less 'painless' way of hanging. When they released the lever, your neck broke and usally you couldnt feel anything anyway, and before you knew it, you we DEAD.
A relitivly good and graphic way to go.
Running your car off a cliff- Very stupid unless you have a high cliff or mountain. People usally try to pull out at the last second, and end up paralized for life. Not recommended.
Electricution- Not bad, as long you have a good current. Go to your local power substation and ground yourself to something, and as soon as you touch the ends of those big semi-condutors, you're history.
Poison- Same as drugs.
Stabbing yourself- Usally reserved for Sickos, a very painful way to die, and you watch yourself bleed to death. Pretty beat way to go.
Drinking yourself to Death-Sounds fun, should try it sometime....but seriously,probably not a bad way to go, get wasted, and die! Get grain alcohol, 199 proof, good shit.