So I was writing the Striped Irregular Bucket and I was in much the same
situation as the poor operator I was writing about. I was bored shitless. So
I thought I'd bash out a couple of lines about something, and where better to
start than a place I knew. So I chunked out Striped Irregular Bucket, which
was far less offensive than some of my previous posts. Unlike most of my
other posts, I knew the area I was talking about. (Being bored in a Computer
Room that is). Then I started getting mail from people, which was unusual
in itself, and it didn't say that my library books were overdue and it wasn't
from story-tellers who wanted to tell you why they needed more disk, connect
time etc. I ignored most of this and went on with other writing,
resurrecting BOFH (who was as yet pretty much unnamed) in Striped Irregular
Bucket #5. Then I got more mail, so I thought I'd bash out a couple of BOFH
articles. So I did, then ran out of material briefly, so I stopped. Then
got some material, and started then stopped again. Etc etc. Then I went to
Britian and worked for Enterprise Oil PLC (good place, say hi!) in London for
a year, bricking out about 2 articles in that time. Along the way, Waikato
kept my old account open, so I'd get maybe one mail message a week from
someone who'd just read it for the first time. I still do, it's weird!
Anyway, so I got back home, took up a job as Analyst Programmer, kissed the
Computer Room goodbye, and thought that would make a fitting end to the BOFH.
To all the people who mailed over the last 13 months or so and got no reply,
sorry, but had to login from a Sun Sparc SLC via a modem to a machine which
connected to a machine which let me login via a weird version of telnet to
Anyway, that's the very end of it. I know I've said that a couple of times,
but there you go, you can't trust an Operator. But you can trust an A/P
trust me.
- SimonT --
,----. / The \ <- You are here | World | I am here ->University of Waikato Computer Centre \ / Priv. Bag 3105, Hamilton, New Zealand `----' Let's do lunch! Simon Travaglia